The kindest words that I ever heard from my mother were “Bless your heart.” I’ve always understood the expression to mean something similar to the South Asian term, ‘Nameste‘, or ‘The Spirit of God in me recognizes the Spirit of God in you.’
Bless your heart, for it has grown bigger with the passage of time.
Bless your hands, for they have held and fed and wiped and tucked us into bed.
Bless your ears, for they have heard our steps and falters, our whoops and wails; our heart’s beating.
Bless your voice, for it has been music to our ears.
Bless your eyes, for they have seen our lives unfold and left them to their unfolding.
Bless your arms and legs, for they have lifted and carried us through the hard times in our lives.
Bless your mind for its understanding and its desire to be understood.
Bless your life for you have worked and played and rested well along the way.
But most of all, bless your heart, because it holds your love.
I absolutely love this!
Beautiful… Bless your heart for writing this!